The Code of Conduct applies to all within the parameters of the school. It promotes the good of learners, educators and parents. Regardless of specific age or role, all associated with the school will conduct themselves appropriately at all times to ensure optimum accomplishment.
Code of Conduct – Learners Objectives
By attending P.P.S. learners will endeavour to:
* Mature through their formative and pre-adolescent years
* Develop their intellectual, sporting and cultural abilities
* Develop thinking and problem-solving skills
* Gain knowledge about the world in which they live
* Improve social and friendship skills
* Care for others less fortunate than themselves.
Learners are to understand that they each, through their own response to the Code of Conduct and consequent daily behaviour, either encourage or prevent the attainment of the school’s objectives. The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to ensure that the opportunities presented at P.P.S. are fully utilized. The code thus identifies what behaviour is required and expected. This follows from 2.1.1. – 2.1.2. and in the associated discipline codes in Sections 3, 4 and 6.
2.1.1. As regards to teachers:
Learners will respect the right of educators to teach, to co-ordinate learning activities and to facilitate the full school programme. Learners will show respect to teachers by:
*Being punctual to class
*Following all teacher instructions
* Being attentive in class
*Applying themselves to the work set
*Not being disruptive in any way
*Not talking in class until invited to do so
*Not moving from desks without permission
*Acquiring permission to participate in lessons
*Doing tasks, as set by teachers, to the best of their abilities.
*Not leaving the classroom without permission.
2.1.2. As regards to other learners:
Learners will respect the rights of others to learn. This will be shown by:
*Not distracting other learners from their tasks
*Giving others opportunities to make contributions in class and in tasks
*Not interrupting others while they contribute
*Respecting others’ point of view
*Not ridiculing others.